1. According to the evidence, who plays the most critical role in encouraging femininity in females and masculinity in males in U.S. society?
    A) Mothers
    B) Grandparents
    C) Fathers
    D) Preschool teachers

2. Cultural expectations defining appropriate behaviors for each sex are called
    A) gender role
    B) gender identity
    C) egocentrism
    D) metacognition

3. Wesley C. Becker reviewed research on parenting and found that love-oriented techniques.
    A) promote children's acceptance of self-responsibility
    B) foster self-control mechanisms
    C) create self-indulgent children
    D) both a and b

4. According to Diana Baumrind's analysis of parental authority, an authoritative parent is best described as one who
    A) stresses obedience and conformity to rules in a disciplined environment
    B) allows the child to regulate his or her behavior
    C) prefers forced discipline but allows children to make the rules
    D) provides firm direction but allows the child freedom within limits

5. In a study involving white, middle-class nursery-school children, Diana Baumrind found that the least self-reliant, explorative, and self- controlled children were those whose parents were
    A) authoritarian
    B) permissive
    C) harmonious
    D) authoritative

6. Stephen claims that his mother gave his brother a bigger piece of cake than he got. However, Stephen is pacified when his mother cuts his piece in two. He defiantly says to his brother, "Now, I 've got more." Stephen's statement shows:
    A) good perspective-taking ability
    B) lack of conservation
    C) associative learning but no concept learning
    D) sociocentric behavior

7. DEFINE and give an example of operations as used in Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

8. Explain the model of memory below so that even my dumbest friend could understand it (and I must admit that I have a couple of really dumb friends.)

sensory register ---> short- term memory ---> long-term memory